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Gigs of HQ content, dozens of models, and growing!
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Added 2018-12-22
125 pictures

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TillEulenspiegel wrote (2018-12-22 13:14:18):
How awesome to see the gorgeous SERENA again; after NIEMIRA 3 weeks ago she is the second well-known girl (and a long-term favorite of mine!) to appear on SB! A very welcome change! I really love this trend; posing and acting of those experienced models is noticeably hotter, especially compared to HARMUT´s monotone pictures. I guess this is also the merit of NUDERO. It´s just so frustrating and annoying that  videos are so rare on SB (and I am only here for the videos!). And most of the time the few videos simply don`t have the same high quality as the photo sets. Most of my favorites I'm sure I will never see in a movie. Why don't you produce more videos?